Thanks for visiting my diablo page.
I hope the information on this page will be helpful for you. Let me know what you think about my page. My e-mail address is below.
Also, if you have any strategies, or hints not listed on my page, please E-mail me.
One more thing, all of hints on this page, work with the add-on Hellfire.
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For information on what the shrines are named and what they do, follow the link below:
For information regarding quests, follow the link below:
I have just been informed of a new strategy (7-23-99). It goes like this:
In single player games, the game tends to respond to your current statistics. If you were to remove your armor, rings, etc...And then enter a level, the game recognizes you as being weak when you enter. Therefore, your enemies are weaker. Just simply put on your armor, rings, etc...and you will still have weak enemies. (This is a harder task to acomplish in multiplayer.)
Thanks To --- }x{Oscillator for this information.
Many people have asked me how to clone items, so here's how:
1st--Put the item you want to clone on the ground and walk a ways away, but not so far that you can't see it.
2nd--Click on the item, and as you're walking over, when you're about to pick up the item, chuck out somthing on your belt. (this can be anything as long as its on you belt) If you did the trick correctly, the item thrown out, once it has landed, will be the item you picked up. You can clone anything you want, including gold.
**IMPORTANT** Never put the item that was cloned on the ground with the original item or it will disapear.
Start a multiplayer game. There must be 3 players playing. No more, no less. Go right next to the entrance of the church and drop all your money. Go into the dungeon. Come back out. If you did it right, there will be piles of gold scattered all over town! Full version only.
**I am not sure if this works, because I have never tried it. I have been told that it does not work, but you can still try it if you are really bored.**
When casting spells like chain lightning, people normally only do it one at a time, until they run out of mana. Well, now there's a way to get more out of it. When you find a big load of enemies or even one or two, keep right clicking as fast as you can and it lets you pull off a few more spells then you are spending mana for.
Also my E-Mail address is below.
If you want your site to be a link on mine, E-Mail me with the info (site's name/address) and I will put it on my site ASAP
Which way is the right path, as I stand upon this chaotic crossroad of hate... How many ways are there to roam on this dark and damned road of Fate... "There are many ways, my son, to find where the souls of Demons remain... But it takes only one second of despair and of doubt unitl at last, your soul, they will gain... Inherit these lands, these things, these dreams that are yours, forever, to adore... For there is no life, in the depths of chaos, my son, for you to explore..." C. Vincent Metzen
Omaha, NE