Recent and Upcoming Events


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On this page we'll present a summary of past events and a calendar of upcoming activities. We might use a format similar to this.

Recent Events

NP Website renovated Monday, February 26, 2001.

A barbecue party; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Upcoming Events

May 2001
Co-Founder Randy Rasmussen returns to residence in Omaha, NE.

"I remember that a man came here with his family from-- was it Ireland or Lithuania or China or Italy or Germany or Russia?... That's right... So he and his wife and his children (Did he have children? I get so confused) found themselves in a land that promised liberty and justice for all. The family all worked ten or twelve hours a day, in a coal mine or textile mill or a meat-packing plant or wherever it was, working hard at being good Americans. Course if they got TB or went blind or accidentally cut off a finger, they were told they weren't very good Americans at all. And slowly, over many years, the people realized they were not citizens. They were not members of a community. They were clocking in and punching out and killing time. They were employees. I try to recall that family's name. Then I remember it was a lot of names."
-From Uncle Sam, by Steve Darnall

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